Technology Can Be a Friend Indeed

Technology can be a double-edged sword. When it works, it can be incredible. When it doesn’t it can be incredibly frustrating.

When Matt and I first formed Tanner Friedman, we explored and ultimately invested in technology not for technology’s sake, but for more effective, efficient communications with our clients, the media and our partners and collaborators. That included, among other things, a top server and computer system that could operate securely and wirelessly; an integrated plasma TV/computer conference center; an interactive website updated continuously (in which you now reside) and a voice-over-IP phone system that married phones with email and handhelds.

This week, I was once again awed by technology, as our expanding organization necessitated a change, albeit temporarily, to a dial-by-name directory. Recognizing instantly this went against our goal of always being accessible, quickly and easily, we switched to voice-activation. This allows a caller, if they cannot reach us by cell, to access our extensions simply by stating the name of the person they want to reach. Imagine: no more dialing (or attempting to dial) the “letters of the last name of the party you are calling.”

Once again, strategic communications put into play.